What Raw Food Can I Feed My Cat?

Wondering, “What raw food can I feed my cat?” Cats are very independent pets by nature. They can be left alone for hours, and they will enjoy their own company and scavenge around. But they also provide their owners with comfort and love. Any cat owner will tell you how adorable it is when their cat snuggles with them or curls up on their lap. This simple action helps to eliminate all stress and fatigue after a long day!

A good and loving cat owner will always be worried about their little furry companion. They will always want the best for their cat. And that can’t be truer when it comes to their diet!

Over the past few years, the raw food for cats has been the center of attention and has caused a hot debate among cat owners. What is the raw food diet? Should you consider feeding your cat raw food? Let’s find out.

What Raw Food Can I Feed My Cat

What is the Raw Food Diet?

A raw food diet is exactly what the name states! It consists of feeding your cat raw or uncooked meats rather than purchased cat food. The cat food market has a variety and choices, making it quite overwhelming to choose the right type of food for your furry friend.

This is why many people have started converting to a raw food diet. A raw food diet for cats involves offering them foods they eat in the wild, such as muscle meat, organ meat, and bones. This type of food is sometimes called the “BARF” diet, which stands for “bones and raw food” or “biologically appropriate raw food.” This diet was invented by vet Dr Ian Billinghurst.

Is Raw Meat Good for Cats?

Your feline friend is an obligate carnivore, meaning it must eat animal products to survive. It doesn’t need fruits or vegetables but meat for a healthy and long life.

Raw cat food is made up of ingredients that are natural and unprocessed. On the other hand, store-bought, tinned, or pre-made cat food contains chemicals and preservatives that are not always healthy. So, a raw diet will help your cat gain nutrients that will boost its health. A raw diet for cats is also low in carbohydrates and high in proteins, which are essential for a long and healthy life.

Why is the Raw Food Diet Good for Cats?

Advocates of the raw food diet believe that cooking meat kills vital nutrients, reducing its nutritional value. They argue that in the wild, small cats eat lizards, insects, and small rodents, which is the best diet for them. This is why domestic cats should also be fed raw meat.

Several benefits of the raw food diet for cats include:

  • Skin and coat health improvement
  • Boosts water intake
  • Leaner and stronger joints and bones
  • Improves digestion and gut health
  • Better oral health

What Raw Meats Can Cats Eat?

Cats have short stomachs with acidic contents, making it safe to eat raw meats of all types. However, when you start your cat on a raw diet, you may want to watch them for a few days to avoid indigestion, stomach issues, or allergies.

When feeding raw meats to your cat, you must be careful about cross-contamination. Here’s a list of raw meats that are safe for your cat:


As a new cat owner, you may have asked yourself: can cats eat raw chicken? The answer: chicken is the most purchased meat for pets. Chicken has several nutrients and benefits for your cat.

Chicken contains healthy amounts of protein, niacin, selenium, phosphorus, and vitamins B6 and B12.

The additional protein in chicken aids in the generation and repair of new muscle and tissue. It is essential for your cat’s overall health and development.

Moreover, white meat, like chicken, promotes heart health. Chicken breast helps to keep your cat’s homocysteine levels in check. High levels of homocysteine can cause damage to the heart and arteries.


Venison is red meat from deer. It has a lower fat and protein content than other meats, such as beef. So, before you include it in your cat’s diet plan, you may want to consider other protein sources to meet its protein requirements.

The plus side of feeding venison to your cat is that it is less likely to produce an allergic reaction than other meats, such as beef.


Lamb meat is one of the most nutritious raw foods you can feed your cat. It’s an excellent source of heme (a form of iron) which is easier for your cat’s body to absorb.

Heme iron is present in animal products that aid in the absorption of nonheme iron, which is found in plants. Iron is essential for your cat’s body to function correctly because it helps transport oxygen via the bloodstream.

Besides heme, lamb is also high in Vitamin B12, which is essential for a healthy neurological system, as well as brain function.

However, lamb is also high in fat, so it’s best to feed it in smaller quantities. You can also remove the fat from the meat before giving it to your cat.


Fish, in general, and salmon, in particular, have a lot of omega three fatty acids. Omega three fatty acids protect your cat’s skin and coat from damage and keep it looking shiny and soft. They also help your cat’s immune system.

Salmon also has an abundance of potassium, B vitamins, selenium, and niacin. All these vitamins are essential for your cat’s overall health.

But even with all the healthy nutrients that salmon is jam-packed with, it is not enough to feed your cat only salmon. You can offer your cat salmon as a treat or occasionally as a fancy meal.


You should’ve got the answer to your question, “What raw food can I feed my cat?” If you are debating whether to start your cat on a raw food diet, it is the perfect option. It offers numerous benefits because it is healthy and nutritious.

The only thing you must be careful about is being cautious while preparing the food so as not to contaminate it. Your cat will thank you for its lavish meal!


Can Cats Eat Raw Beef?

Yes, your cat can safely eat raw beef. But make sure you offer the raw beef to your cat in moderation and ensure it’s fresh.

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